Prescription Pit Vipers

Rx Lenses and Inserts

We’ve teamed up with Sved Optical to offer Rx lenses or inserts for most of our sunglasses and goggles.

/ Gold | peepee.JPG | Man pointing at the sky wearing Pit Viper Sunglasses
 Rx lenses are available for these products:

The Clawdia
The Exciters
The Fondue
The Slammer
The Low Bones

Rx inserts are available for these products:

The 2000
The Original
The XS (Youth)
The Synthesizer
The Flip-Offs
The Proform​ Goggles
The French Fry Goggles
The Brapstrap
The Skysurfer
The Lift-Offs
The Try-Hard
The Ellipticals
The Intimidator

How to Order Rx Pit Vipers

Get $50.00 OFF your first order of Rx Pit Vipers with the code opticalturbo directly from Sved Optical’s website.